The American Rosie Movement

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Ring a Bell for Rosies™?

It’s easy – just:

  • Ring a bell at 1:00 p.m. on the Sept. 3, 2021. It can be any size bell – a jingle bell to a church bell to a carillon, which has many bells.

  • Be able to talk about Rosies to others (see Quiz here.)

  • Send the photo or video to us with your written permission to use it to educate the public about Rosies.

  • Show others what you have done and why Rosies are important. 

Before you do, be sure you know why Rosies are important. Be ready to say that Rosies should not be left out of the story of people doing quality work, to face problems together.

Why do you have two websites?

The amount of work to find, work with, and educate about Rosies is far too large to put on one website. 

So, on website # 1,, we share the work we have done with many others to prepare for the American Rosie Movement.

This website, called American Rosie Movement, offers you ways to interact with each other, us, and the growing number of people who are joining ARM.

How Can I involve other people in the American Rosie Movement™?

Ask people in different places in your community, in the US, or in other nations to help with the project.  And accept only those who are serious about learning why Rosies are important and who believe that you and your team will do something you are proud to show and share.  Be sure to include a human-interest piece to your work, because people connect to one another when they share the meaning.

What problems can I expect as I participate in ARM?

First, both you and we are entering new territory – we’ve never launched a social movement before.  Still, we know we can do it. “Thanks!” has limited staff and funds, and we don’t know you or your community as well you do. 

So, your first problem may be deciding what you want to do and can do well.  It can be as simple as learning the Rosie theme song or gathering people to tell leaders that your community needs to create something visible and lasting to honor Rosies and keep their legacy alive. 


Our goal is to list Rosie  work done by many groups such as films, sites to visit, books to read, and projects to show, so that you and others can have good information as you do your own Rosie Project and teach about Rosies.

We are seeking funds now to contact authors of books about Rosies, which usually tell about specific places or Rosies.  This should help you do “Rosie work” that you can show and share as part of the American Rosie Movement™.

How are you different from other social movements?

  • Our leaders are old women.

  • We guide people to create things that represent Rosies and the Rosie Legacy.

  • What people create is part of the whole movement.

  • People, places, and projects that are excellent examples of Rosie work are given awards.

  • We work in phases, each taking years, for lasting impact (The American Rosie Movement is Phase II.)

  • The people, not elected leaders, are the major energy.

  • We help other Rosie groups to publicize their work.

Projects FAQ

How Do I Embed Images?

Above the Rich Text Editor is an “Add Media” button. Click this to add videos, pictures, or audio to your project. You can also embed videos from another site through the “Add Media” button. 

What Are categories and tags

Categories are predefined descriptions that you can add to your post that will help us organize it better.

Tags, on the other-hand, are short descriptions that are custom to you. Come up with whatever tags you want that you think will help illustrate what your project is about.