The American Rosie Movement

Model People

Marissa Fox speaking about her experience as a Girl scout troop leader.

Marissa Fox

Marissa is a small-town woman, with great abilities to pull different ages together, as the leader of a Girl Scout troop in Glenville, WV.

In addition to Rosie work she shares in this short video, her daughter, Kindra, was the first person to ring a bell for Rosies on a rainy day April day in 2014, when dogwood trees were planted at the same time in four states. Kindra, who was a Brownie Scout then, rang a large handbell to let Bobbie Lamb, a Rosie, know when the tree hit the ground at a high school.

By that fall, the first Ring a Bell for Rosies event was held in multiple locations, including the Netherlands Carillon, in Arlington, Virginia, and the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia.

Soon after, the Netherlands Embassy worked with the National Park Service to announce the restoration of the Netherlands Carillon that was given to the US by the Netherlands to thank Americans for helping to win World War II, which liberated the Netherlands.

bertha glavin and hugo keesing

Dutch-American, Dr. Hugo Keesing, whose expertise is in the history of music, immediately before, during, and after World War II. Photo by Sun Vega.

Hugo Keesing, Ph.D.

In 2014, Dr. Hugo Keesing an American who was born in Holland during World War II, called Thanks! Plain and Simple, Inc. after a Washington Post article.

He excitedly discussed how to include his knowledge of World War II music and the knowledge of his country in educating about Rosies.

Since then, he has presented with Rosie to university students, helped the Embassy of the Netherlands in Washington with a series of celebrations of Rosies, and helped facilitate two trips that Rosies took to the Netherlands, in 2015 and in 2017.

It was Dr. Keesing who researched the origin of the phrase “Rosie the Riveter”. It was used first in a song with that name, and it was later picked up by artists and the general public.

Tim Wilson

Tim’s help through the Brunswick, Maryland American Legion has personally made Brunswick a model city.

Examples of his “Rosie work” work:

  • He helped hang a trail of bluebird nest boxes, hosted Rosies in the Annual Veterans’ Day Parade,

  • He planted a dogwood tree at Brunswick’s historic train station, arranged for the carillon in Fredrick to be rung several Labor Days,

  • He transported Rosies to and from many events in his region and in DC, made posters, went the Washington to educate Members of Congress,

  • He got a Rosies’ birth certificate in PA so that she could go to the Netherlands,

  • He took Rosies to dinner on holidays, and arranged a limo for a Rosie and teens to attend a special Girl Scout ceremony.

Most of all, Tim has shown genuine concern for Rosies as persons and as living treasures. He has attended their funerals, with tears that show us all that we can be caring while we do quality work together.

Anne Dorothy May Tim Wilson scaled

Tim Wilson (right) with Anne and Dorothy May, a Rosie. Tim traveled many times with Anne to meet and work with Rosies.

Tijah Bumgarner with a now deceased Rosie

Tijah Bumgarner with a now-deceased Rosie.

Tijah Bumgarner

As the video-photograher has known and deeply respected Rosies since 2009. She was the video-photographer for our documentary Film, “We Pull Together: Rosie the Riveters Then and Now” and for may events.

This photo points out that, as you work with Rosies, you must be prepared that they may be frail, so our time to do quality work to capture their stories and honor them properly is very short.