The American Rosie Movement

A Message From Our Founder, Anne Montague

Anne Web Site Profile Pic Original scaled

The American Rosie Momentâ„¢ gives you the chance to do something you want to do to help pull America together. We provide this page for you to share your ideas, photos, questions, and successes with your community and the rest of the world. We are excited about your participation because you are the driving force in the American Rosie Movementâ„¢.”

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Bobbie Lamb has passed

A few days before Memorial Day, Bobbie Lamb's family air lifted her from N.C. to her Elkins, WV home, so that she could pass away in her own bed.

Bobbie was the first Rosie for which a bell was rung.  it was April, 2014, and now bells are rung for Rosies in many nations.

This message in her son's voice is very important , you can listen to the audio here:Â